Ep. 86: How to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder with the Dear Me Team

They discuss:
- Why eating disorder rates have skyrocketed over the last several years, especially in the case of teens.
- Some things teenagers and young adults can do if they are worried about a friend’s eating behaviors or know that their friend has an eating disorder.
- How to handle a situation where someone’s friend is talking about restricting certain foods or going on a diet.
- What parents need to hear if they are worried about their teen – either their eating or negative comments they’ve made about their body.
- Dear Me Program Website
- Lutz, Alexander & Associates Nutrition Therapy
- Pinney Davenport Nutrition
- https://thirdwheeled.com/
- https://m8.design/
- https://www.sonics.io/
Aerin Atinsky began work toward eating disorder and body image education in her freshman year of high school. Now, as an incoming freshman in college, she’s been the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Dear Me since its birth in 2021. Aerin’s goal is for every school nationwide to integrate Dear Me’s free educative and preventive programming for disordered eating, eating disorders, and body image.
Alexa Moses is a Co-Founder and Co-Director of Dear Me. Passionate about social entrepreneurship and societal change, Alexa is excited to continue her studies as an incoming freshman at Brown University. Alexa is eager to impact both the current rise of eating disorders and next generations through preventative education and support.