Ep. 87: Yummy Toddler Food Dinnertime SOS with Amy Palanjian

Amy Palanjian, a woman with long curly brown hair and glasses, looks at the camera and smiles in a pink shirt.

Anna Mackay and Elizabeth Davenport chat with Amy Palanjian, a recipe developer, content creator, cookbook author and mom to three kids. Amy is the creator of Yummy Toddler Food, the go-to resource for busy parents to create meals families swear by.

They discuss:

  • How the Yummy Toddler Food blog and social media came about.
  • What it’s been like for Amy to navigate the kids “wellness” landscape, where many influencers attempt to “healthify” everything, or make posts containing dire warnings about toxic this or that.
  • Advice for parents to let go of some of the pressure around feeding kids.
  • The concept of responsive feeding and safety in the context of feeding kids.
  • Some strategies to make meal time less stressful.


Amy Palanjian is the creator of Yummy Toddler Food, the go-to resource for busy parents to create meals families swear by. Her expertise was honed over a decade of experience working in print and digital media as the lifestyle director of FamilyFun magazine, a food editor with Better Homes & Gardens, and deputy editor of ReadyMade magazine. Amy lives in Pennsylvania with her family.