It’s that time of year again: back to school for kids. As parents, the back-to-school season often brings both excitement and stress, especially when it comes to protecting your child from diet culture messaging in schools and the media around back-to-school nutrition.

There’s confusing messaging about packing lunches, school lunches, nutrition education in schools, and nutrition to support sports and other activities.

That’s why we’re sharing our favorite diet-free back-to-school resources. As two registered dietitians and child feeding experts with over 20 years each working in eating disorder treatment and prevention, we want to share practical tips and tools that will help you support your child’s health in a positive and nourishing way.

Table of Contents

Tan box with green and blue curvey lines. Blue letters reading "Have you seen diet culture show up in your child's school and you're n ot sure what to do? We have created 5 letters to help support you!"National Alliance for Eating Disorders and Sunny Side Up Nutrition logos at the bottom.

Eating Disorder Prevention Letters Parents Can Send to Their Child’s School

We teamed up with the National Alliance for Eating Disorders to create five letters you can share with your child’s teacher. Each letter is customizable and downloadable so that you can tailor it to your child’s needs.

Building Diet-Free Classrooms

In addition to our letters, there are many other resources to support diet-free back-to-school nutrition and diet-free classrooms.

Diet-Free Nutrition Education

We believe nutrition education needs to be developmentally appropriate and free of diet culture. These podcasts and blog posts provide information on supporting your school and children’s teachers towards this goal.

A promotional graphic for a podcast episode. The text reads, "NEW Podcast Episode! Episode 10: School Nutrition Curricula with Sarah Ganginis."

Diet-Free Nutrition Resources for Kid’s Sports and Activities

Back-to-school also means back to activities! These podcast episodes and blog posts are packed with information about supporting your child in their activities this fall and important additions to your diet-free back-to-school resources.

Tips for Supporting Your Middle, High School, and College Students

Girl with dark wavy hair sits at a table studying with a water bottle. She smiles at the camera.
Photo Credit: Jeswin Thomas via Unsplash

Do you have a teenager? The teen years are full of transitions, boundary-pushing, social media, and independence. These podcast episodes provide many perspectives on supporting your teen as they transition back to school.

Packing School Lunches Free of Dread and Diet Culture

Back-to-school means back-to-packing lunches!  Neither one of us loves this job, but we try to keep it simple and quick. We have tons of resources to support you in taking the dread and diet culture out of lunch packing!

Feeding Kids Podcast Series by Age Level

Do you have questions about feeding your child of any age? We have you covered! Listen to our Kids Series! This series is 4 podcast episodes where we answer listener questions about feeding kids.

We hope the transition back to school is a smooth one!  Do you have diet-free back-to-school resources that you love? Or questions for us about feeding kids and teens? We’d love to hear from you!

More Blog Posts You’ll Love

Two females standing at a kitchen counter making a salad.

We’re Elizabeth & Anna!

It’s great to have you here. We’re registered dietitians and we share tips to support you in raising kids with a healthy relationship with food.

Podcast Episodes For You

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