Ep. 35: Rebroadcast – Parenting Amidst Diet Culture with Virginia Sole-Smith & Amy Palanjian

Ep. 35: Rebroadcast – Parenting Amidst Diet Culture with Virginia Sole-Smith & Amy Palanjian

About our guests: Virginia Sole-Smith is a journalist and author of The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt in America. She is a frequent contributor to the The New York Times parenting section, and many other publications. Amy Palanjian, is a writer, editor and recipe developer. She is the founder of Yummy Toddler Food, a site filled with practical feeding advice, as well as Yummy Family Food, a site aimed at helping families lessen the stress around eating.

Ep. 33: Rebroadcast – School Nutrition & Health Curriculums with Sarah Ganginis

Ep. 33: Rebroadcast – School Nutrition & Health Curriculums with Sarah Ganginis

Elizabeth Davenport and Anna Mackay sit down with Sarah Ganginis, a non-diet dietitian who takes a weight-inclusive approach to nutrition and health. In addition to seeing adults and children in her private practice, Sarah has dedicated much of her time advocating for change in the school nutrition and health curriculums in the state of Maryland.

Ep. 32: Prioritizing Felt Safety in the Feeding Relationship with Naureen Hunani

Ep. 32: Prioritizing Felt Safety in the Feeding Relationship with Naureen Hunani

In this episode, Anna Lutz and Elizabeth Davenport are joined by Naureen Hunani, RD a pediatric and family dietitian who specializes in treating children and families struggling with feeding challenges. We highlight feeding difficulties and how to help your child achieve a sense of “felt safety” and regulation at the meal table.

Ep. 31: Addressing Hunger & Food Insecurity  with Dr. Beverley Wheeler

Ep. 31: Addressing Hunger & Food Insecurity with Dr. Beverley Wheeler

In this episode, Elizabeth Davenport and Anna Lutz have a conversation with Beverley Wheeler, Ed.D., the director of D.C. Hunger Solutions, an organization that works to end hunger in the nation’s capital. We highlight the pandemic’s effect on increased food insecurity and discuss ways in which policies and legislations are working to mitigate this.

Ep. 30: Food Insecurity and Eating Disorders: The Research with Dr. Carolyn Becker

Ep. 30: Food Insecurity and Eating Disorders: The Research with Dr. Carolyn Becker

In this episode Anna L. and Anna M. have a conversation with Carolyn Becker, PhD, a professor of psychology and licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in PTSD, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders. We highlight Dr. Becker’s research, which focuses on the link between food insecurity and eating disorders.

Ep. 23: Weight Bias and Mental Health Concerns for Kids & Teens in a Pandemic with Louise Adams

Ep. 23: Weight Bias and Mental Health Concerns for Kids & Teens in a Pandemic with Louise Adams

This week we are sharing a conversation that Anna M. & Elizabeth had with Sydney-based clinical psychologist Louise Adams. Louise is the founder of Treat Yourself Well Sydney, and the creator of UNTRAPPED, an online program to help people find food and body peace, and escape from the endless diet cycle. She is also Vice President of Health At Every Size®️ Australia, has written two books, and hosts a terrific podcast called All Fired Up (a must-listen!).