Sunny Side Up Nutrition Podcast is hosted by co-creators Anna Lutz, MPH, RDN, CEDRD-S, Elizabeth Davenport, MPH, RDN, LD, and Anna Mackay.
Elizabeth and Anna Lutz are the co-creators of the Sunny Side Up Nutrition website and blog. Anna Mackay is a personal trainer who is currently studying to become a Registered Dietitian. Anna Mackay suggested she interview Anna Lutz and Elizabeth in a podcast format for her graduate school project after the in-person workshop she and Elizabeth were scheduled to host was canceled during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The first 5 episodes compile a mini-series in which Anna Mackay interviews Elizabeth and Anna Lutz about raising competent eaters. The team had so much fun recording these episodes that they decided to continue bringing you new episodes on a regular basis!
Mini-Series: What Does it Mean to Raise a Competent Eater
Recent Episodes

We’re Elizabeth & Anna!
It’s great to have you here. We’re registered dietitians and we share tips to support you in raising kids with a healthy relationship with food.